The Beginner Photography Podcast
The Beginner Photography Podcast is a free weekly podcast hosted by professional photographer Raymond Hatfield who interviews world class photographers of all genres who share what they wish they knew when they got started so you can grow your creative photography skills faster! The podcast is brought to you by CloudSpot.io, the client gallery system that is always #EmpoweringPhotographers
The Beginner Photography Podcast
453: Rachel Larsen Weaver - Authentic Moments: A Photographer's Guide to Raw and Intimate Images
Raymond Hatfield
In Todays Episode of the podcast I chat with family film photographer Rachel Larsen Weaver about her photographic journey, the value of perseverance, choosing to shoot on film, and the power of finding your own artistic vision in a raw and authentic style.
Big Ideas:
- Embrace Your Unique Style: Your photographic journey may start with struggles, but embracing your own style can lead to a raw, authentic aesthetic that sets you apart.
- Value Perseverance: Through perseverance and continuous self-improvement, you can shift your focus from simply pleasing others to pursuing your own artistic vision.
- Find a Mentor: Finding a mentor who aligns with your work and provides valuable guidance can significantly boost your confidence and help you grow as a photographer.
- Capture Authentic Moments: Transitioning to shooting film can allow you to capture imperfect, raw moments with honesty and intimacy, providing a new level of depth to your photography.
Follow Rachael Larsen Weaver on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/rachel.larsen.weaver/
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Thanks for listening & keep shooting!