The Beginner Photography Podcast
The Beginner Photography Podcast is a free weekly podcast hosted by professional photographer Raymond Hatfield who interviews world class photographers of all genres who share what they wish they knew when they got started so you can grow your creative photography skills faster! The podcast is brought to you by CloudSpot.io, the client gallery system that is always #EmpoweringPhotographers
The Beginner Photography Podcast
337: Chris Grunder - Contemporary Photography : Discover the Unique Artistry
Chris Grunder
In todays interview we are talking with contemporary art photographer Chris Grunder
Contemporary art does not mean the same thing to 2 different people. If you don't know much about it, it can seem vague. Chris teaches photography as Sonoma State University and he is the co owner of Bass and Rainer a contemporary art gallery in San Francisco. So who better than Chris to give us a proper definition in todays interview.
In This Episode You'll Learn:
- How Chris got into photography
- How failing at his first few dozen rolls of film pushed him to shoot more
- What is contemporary art
- Why Chris moved to New York to work with commercial photographers after getting his masters in fine art
- What makes up the difference between someone just started in fine art photography and an experienced artist
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Thanks for listening & keep shooting!