The Beginner Photography Podcast
The Beginner Photography Podcast is a free weekly podcast hosted by professional photographer Raymond Hatfield who interviews world class photographers of all genres who share what they wish they knew when they got started so you can grow your creative photography skills faster! The podcast is brought to you by CloudSpot.io, the client gallery system that is always #EmpoweringPhotographers
The Beginner Photography Podcast
338: Marc Silber: Living a Creative Life: The Photographers Journey to Overcome Fear
Marc Silber
Marc Silber is a five time return guest and photography author of the new book Create: Overcoming Fear to Unleash Your Creativity. Today Marc shares with us how fear can stop us from being our most creative self as a photographer and how to overcome it. Mark also talks about journaling and how he practices visualization when taking photos and how mornings are the best time for him to be creative.
The Big Ideas
- Visualize quickly and act.
- Visualize your creative ideas.
- Go out and shoot.
- Try different things and learn.
- Visualize and experiment.
- Learn your tool better.
- Practice falling to succeed.
- Photography is a numbers game.
- Grow through critique and community.
- 00:00:05 Visualize before taking photo.
- 00:13:07 Visualize, then create.
- 00:17:05 Be patient and persistent.
- 00:21:04 Find your creative purpose.
- 00:28:00 Visualize and create impactfully.
- 00:37:30 Learn your tool well.
- 00:47:57 Practice falling to succeed.
- 00:49:11 Ignore the haters, keep going.
- 00:56:05 Grow through community critique.
Pick up Marcs new book - https://amzn.to/3Z1uJ2s
Sign up for your free CloudSpot Account today at www.DeliverPhotos.com
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- Join the free Beginner Photography Podcast Community at https://beginnerphotopod.com/group
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- Grab your free camera setting cheatsheet - https://perfectcamerasettings.com/
Thanks for listening & keep shooting!